Telegram is best messenger. I say this absolutely sincerely. It is convenient, intuitive and totally unique from the point of view of the content that is posted on his capacity. Well, where else will you be able to read political insiders, straightforward blogs of top stars and the latest news? Only to Telegram. But why in this case, the vast majority uses it for WhatsApp? Obviously, for a larger set of functions, one of which was and remains video. But now it appeared in the Telegram.
The original video debuted in a beta version of Telegram for iOS. So if you have an iPhone, you can already download a test-build of messenger and to try out the innovation. How to do it we were told in a separate article. But to Android feature video conferencing’ve just got tonight. Obviously, the developers of Telegram have completed the preparatory work, conducted testing and found the innovation is stable enough to present it to the public.
How to download Telegram beta
Despite the fact that the Telegram gradually launches video calling is important to understand that while it is in beta testing. Therefore, to access it from the release version of the application will not work. It will have a little tricky:
- Install the beta version of Telegram for smartphone and authenticate;
- Please send this guide to someone from colleagues or acquaintances that they did the same;
- After your friend install the beta version, go to your the chat, select the context menu (three vertical dots) and select Video Call.
Important note: video calling is a feature that is built right into the chat rooms and not exist as a separate menu item or settings. Therefore, in order to get through to someone via video link, the other person must also install the beta version of Telegram. In this case, your text appears in the button. While in chats with other users who are sitting on a stable build, the ability to make video call will not, simply because their version this feature is not supported.
Video calls via Telegram
Despite the fact that the overall quality of the video call in the Telegram raises no objections, the ideal for me is still FaceTime. No idea how Apple managed to achieve this, but the picture clarity when using a proprietary service to be consistently high no matter what device your companion. Even on my MacBook Air with the 720p camera quality when FaceTime was much better than using services like Duo or Google Meet.
But what is really disappointing is the inability to invite to a video chat from several people. In any case, at this stage of the conversation in the format of video is only possible individually, that is, from eye to eye. But I would like to believe that in future updates the developers of Telegram will eliminate this misunderstanding and will introduce the opportunity to convene a full-fledged video conferencing with a large number of participants – at least in WhatsApp.
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