How to Temporarily Disable WhatsApp on Android

It’s not a secret if the Whatsapp app is currently one of the most used chat apps in all of Indonesia. By utilizing the features found in this application we can message via chat, send various files as well as video call. Among the many applications that Whatsapp application is more favourable than others.

Sometimes we have many reasons why we use chat applications such as Whatsapp, what is it to send photos, audio or just chat, but when we are not comfortable whether it is too much that chat, it often pops up notifications, so make us intend to off first from the application. For those of you WhatsApp users who want Off first, then this time we will share about how to disable the temporary WA, as for this way is divided into 2 namely by using the application and without additional applications.


Steps to disable WhatsApp Temporarily

For the first way, we will share this is the easiest way because through this trick we do not need to install additional applications, but perhaps these steps are not entirely the same as your smartphone, because every smartphone must have different look and settings, such as iPhone, Xiaomi, Oppo and so on. The example we provide here is using HP Vivo, just go to the following steps you can take.

  • First, we need to enter in the Settings menu found on our smartphone
  • You can then search for other settings
  • When you have found then you can open and select the application
  • There is an application menu installed and running, then you select installed
  • Next, you just select the Force stop

By applying the above way you will be free from calls, incoming messages and so on, so to disable WhatsApp while then you do not have to delete the application and reinstall it when you want to run again. Just the way above then this one problem can be solved.

Steps to disable WhatsApp with Application

With the second way, we will utilize the application that has the function and one of them to disable WhatsApp. Here on our own, we will try to use two cool applications namely Datally and Greenify. These two applications can be said as the most used applications, more like the following.

How to turn off Whatsapp while with Datally

  • First, you can install and download this Datally
  • Next after plugged in then you just open it
  • Login on set up data saver
  • Then we can enter Manage Data
  • Next, you can search the Whatsapp app
  • If you’ve found then you can slide the slide to Off button

With the in then you have successfully shut down the temporary WA. The app itself was developed by Google, which for tech companies this one is undoubtedly the features or advantages of every application they release.

Through this application reactivate WhatsApp is also very easy because you just have to slide the slide button back to “On”, but what you need to know is when the application gives a notification “you may have a message” then you do not open it because later you will be connected with WhatsApp so that the sender will receive a notification when the message has been sent successfully.

How to use Greenify to disable Whatsapp temporarily


Actually, this application is an application to save battery as much as the application we have covered above, but in this application, there is a feature that can disable the WA for a while only, how to use Greenify, you can follow the following ways:

  • Install in advance this greenify application via Play store, there is a free and premium version, you just choose the free
  • Then if you have successfully installed then you can open it
  • If your smartphone has never been root then you can choose “My device in not rooted”
  • You will get several options and among them when you use your fingerprint then you can choose “Yes, I use it daily”
  • Find “Not Now (Manual Hibernation Only)” and Skip to “Finish”
  • Next, you just choose the menu “+” to add the app that we will input
  • Lastly, you just choose the Whatsapp app and now you have managed to temporarily deactivate this WhatsApp app

If with the free version you are less satisfied with the various features or convenience when using this application, then you can use the Pro or Premium version for 12 thousand only.

Or simply you can use any WhatsApp clone like FMWhatsApp to temporarily disable with its Aeroplane mode features.

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